How to not become old
For me, a clear sign that you are an old person is when you start avoiding or preventing change. I have this belief since my early twenties when I joined the workforce and saw some very pathetic examples of co-workers [...]
Seattle Magazine: Web 2.0 or bust
Great news. Sampa and yours truly have been featured on the Seattle Magazine on an article about Seattle (of course) and Web 2.0. Please, buy a copy instead of reading it online. :) Anyway, it tells a bit about all the [...]
How I became efficient with email
I just installed Xobni and one of the features was an Analytics that tells you the average time to respond email. Take a look at the graphic… Notice the amazing change in October. From about 2–4 hours on average to [...]
A self-healing server
I just deployed the most risk piece of code on Sampa to date. It’s a self-diagnostic app for our servers that try to recover in case of “issues”. I should be cheering and every customer should be jumping happy that [...]
Sampa Patents
I guess I forgot to blog about it, but we just filed three provisional patents for Sampa. Two about our intelligent privacy system and one about our link storage system. For the longest time I’ve been reluctant at filing any [...]
20 Questions for Startup Success, by Norm Meyrowitz
This is a talk given at University of Washington by Norm Meyrowitz on questions every startup should answer. Norm was president of Macromedia and now he advises tech startups. Here are the 20 questions (see the presentation for more details). [...]
Attract, Convert and Retain
You see a lot of Startups talking about technology, innovation, features, mashups and what not. But how many CEOs you see talking about strategies to attract, convert and retain their customers? The “build-it-and-they-will-come” strategy is a bit flawed on a [...]
Write and they’ll come.
When I started blogging about 2 years ago I knew exactly what I wanted. A place where I could go back and check what the heck I was thinking when I did something. I never had the intention of getting [...]
Don’t listen to your customer… Have a conversation!
When I was at Microsoft there was this big push back in 2002/2003 for us to be Customer Focused. It came from the top (Steve Ballmer), so it must be done. Back then, I thought I understood what that meant. [...]
How to detect and not be an Asshole.
Robert Sutton is publishing a book called “The No Asshole Rule” and Guy Kawasaki got an early edition of the book. Guy summarizes very good points from the book. How to detect an asshole: “…If you hear someone at a [...]
It’s a Brave Tech World….
Welcome to my new blog! This blog replaces the existing “Brave New Word” (without L), that I used to have on TypePad. This blog will be my way of “dogfooding” Sampa. If it is not working well, it will affect [...]